Discover the Role of an Investment Banker

Investment bankers are basically financial advisors that work for large and small firms to raise money for their clients. Their job descriptions often have broad responsibilities and require highly specific skills. Investment bankers are highly valued by their clients, and successful ones are extremely hard working and dedicated to thriving in the face-paced and demanding … Continue reading "Discover the Role of an Investment Banker"

4 Reasons Why People Fail the CFA® exams

Whether you’re preparing to sit for the CFA® exam for the first time, or you’re planning to retake the level, it is critical to consider the aspects that could lead to a futile result. Understanding the foremost and broadly recognized reasons for coming up short in the Level I CFA® exam will guide you in creating an … Continue reading "4 Reasons Why People Fail the CFA® exams"

5 Reasons to get certified as a Business Analyst

There are a variety of business analyst paths that you can pursue based on your interests and aspirations to enter and grow in the finance industry. For the purpose of this blog, we will be focusing on the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation (CFA). The CFA designation is a cost-effective certification that is acknowledged worldwide and … Continue reading "5 Reasons to get certified as a Business Analyst"

5 Tips to Pass the CMA exam in the First Attempt

Being an advanced professional certification, Certified Management Accountant (CMA) demonstrates a strong understanding of accounting and financial management skills required by current dynamic companies. The sooner you achieve the CMA certification, the sooner you can start your journey towards a top-level management position. So, here are 5 tips to pass the CMA exam in the first attempt: … Continue reading "5 Tips to Pass the CMA exam in the First Attempt"

3 Tips for Studying an Accounting Course

While there are several methods for studying accounting, it’s important to identify the key crucial factors that can lead to a successful outcome efficiently. To begin with, you must ensure that you have the passion to learn and are willing to dedicate the hard work required. Most exams offered by noteworthy accounting organizations are created … Continue reading "3 Tips for Studying an Accounting Course"

3 Most important questions you must ask before joining CFA® classes

Every candidate prior to or during the CFA journey questions whether they have the skills required to be a successful candidate. To help you answer this question, a group of CFA candidates was surveyed and their answers have been summarised below to help you evaluate yourself and the elements of a Chartered Financial Analyst.   … Continue reading "3 Most important questions you must ask before joining CFA® classes"

The Best Way to Study for the Level I CFA® exam

Although everyone is aware of the Level I CFA exam’s depth, many don’t take it seriously until they encounter it themselves. The 2019 Level I CFA pass rate was 42% which states that you need to be keen, driven, and have a committed study plan. 100 CFA candidates, who are presently charterholders, were questioned regarding … Continue reading "The Best Way to Study for the Level I CFA® exam"

4 mistakes to avoid for Level I CFA® Students

Regardless of whether you’re preparing to sit for the CFA exam for the first time, or you’re planning to retake the level, it is important to consider the factors that could lead to an unsuccessful result. Understanding the most widely recognized reasons for failing the Level I CFA® exam will enable you to build up a consciousness … Continue reading "4 mistakes to avoid for Level I CFA® Students"

7 tips to choose the best institute for financial training

With the growing number of prep providers for the CFA® course, candidates are often confused by which prep provider is the most effective and offers value for money. To help clear your doubts, a series of factors have been mentioned below for consideration.   1. Suggestions from friends and family: Do you know candidates who … Continue reading "7 tips to choose the best institute for financial training"