What does the study package include?



This 5-volume set of clear, concise CFA study notes provides a more focused and efficient exam prep experience. Covering every exam topic in the CFA curriculum, SchweserNotes™ includes realistic examples and practice quizzes to help you retain vital information.


Activity Feed

Take the guesswork out of your study plan with strategically placed weekly tasks.


Mock Exams 1-6

These full-length mock exams simulate the interface, format, and difficulty of the actual CFA exam.


Checkpoint Exams

Three Checkpoint Exams with questions that mimic the difficulty and format of the actual CFA exam.


Flash Cards

Test your knowledge of key concepts and retain vital information with this portable study tool. You’ll also receive an online version for review anywhere your mobile device goes.


Instructor Link

Ask questions, and receive answers from an instructor at any time.


Jump Start

Maximize your 300 hours with our JumpStart study materials. Shortly after you complete your CFA® exam, the JumpStart materials will be automatically added to your Learning Management System (LMS) as part of your Study Package. As you are waiting for your exam results, you can leverage these tools to get a jump on preparing for your next CFA exam.


Kaplan Schweser Community

Access our community forum to engage with our experts and other CFA candidates to post questions, find answers, and engage in meaningful discussions throughout your studies.


Module Videos

Reference these 40+ hours of recorded videos as you are reading through your SchweserNotes™ books to reinforce your understanding of the material.


Performance Tracker

Gauge your mastery of each exam topic by comparing your scores with fellow CFA® candidates.


Schweser QuickSheet

This compact study tool summarizes key formulas, definitions, and concepts.


SchweserNotes™ Audio

The audio version of SchweserNotes™ helps reinforce your understanding of the CFA Program curriculum while you are on a commute, at home, or in the gym.


Schweser™ Pro QBank

The Level I SchweserPro™ QBank prepares you for the CFA exam with thousands of foundational and exam-like questions, custom quizzes, tutorial videos with detailed answer explanations, and performance metrics to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses.


Live Online or OnDemand Master Class

After you’ve finished your learning assignments for a specific topic of the curriculum, your Masterclass ensures you have a strong grasp on the topic. Led by Schweser’s expert instructors, you get 45+ hours of online instruction that reinforces your studies and ensures you’re ready to move on to the next topic.


Question Review Videos

10+ hours of in-depth CFA videos walk you through the end-of-reading questions from the CFA Institute Program curriculum. You’ll get expert advice and strategies from CFA instructors as they guide you through the questions.


Secret Sauce

Take this compact book anywhere you go, printed, online, or eBook, for a concise review of the CFA® Program curriculum. Schweser’s Secret Sauce® provides insights and exam tips on how to effectively prepare and apply your knowledge on exam day.


Live Online or OnDemand Review Workshop

Our CFA Review Workshop sessions include 60+ hours of expert instruction and review available Live Online or OnDemand. You receive a thorough review of key topics, practice questions, and problem-solving techniques, as well as exam tips and strategies.


Schweser's PassProtection™

Didn’t pass the exam? Your next study package is on us, free of charge. Terms and conditions apply.

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