Does the CFA® charter give you an edge?

The CFA Program requires candidates to invest a significant amount of time, money, and effort, which can leave them with the thought of whether it’s truly valuable. Upon reviewing numerous blogs and forums, we found that supporters of the CFA charter outnumbered those against it by around 80% with many claiming that it has helped them climb the corporate ladder and helped enhance their existing skillset.

Furthermore, a fact sheet by the CFA Institute also highlights that the position of a “Chief Level Executive” is among the top 5 jobs held by those with the CFA charter. Such reports by the CFA Institute often leave candidates with the perception that once you earn the charter, you will be heading straight to a C-suite position. However, take note that the CFA charter can indeed help you in your career, but it’s not the silver bullet for success. The CFA charter is just a part of your success journey; you are the defining factor in your journey.


Here are some of the thoughts by CFA® charterholders:

– ‘The program has strengthened my finance knowledge and helped me receive a job as a research analyst in a macro-boutique firm, a position I wouldn’t be in if it wasn’t for the CFA charter. The program deserves major credit as it has opened the door for me to explore better opportunities in the world of finance.’ – Kevin Yulianto, CAIA, PFM

– ‘I received my CFA charter today, and it was worth it! It feels great to see the letters next to my name. Each level in the program helped me receive an edge against the other applicants from helping me make a good impression on my first boss to my current job where being a Level III CFA pass out was a must.’ – A CFA Charterholder and performance analyst on Reddit

– “Completing the CFA program and earning your charter successfully is a worthwhile endeavor. It offers a good base of knowledge to get you on your way as you never know what the future markets hold for you.” – Mike Moran, CFA, in the article Life on the Buy Side

As you can observe, most CFA charterholders believe that the program has paid off in terms of career growth, knowledge, and monetary satisfaction. Although take note that achieving the charter isn’t the easiest. It requires you to make sacrifices such as using your time to practice during weekends instead of relaxing with your friends and more. As Jason A Smith, CFA stated in one of our previous blogs that “The rewards will wait for you at the end if you are willing to pay the cost.”


Is the CFA® charter all you need to climb the ladder?

Charterholders who have landed new finance jobs or moved up in their organizations have applied passion, determination, and a growth mindset for their career goals. They have consistently worked on their profile to ensure that they learn additional skills that will complement their CFA Program such as Financial Modeling.

Candidates during their program also join CFA Societies once they complete their Level I exams, spend time networking with finance professionals and mentors on social media or networking events and improve their soft skills such as presentation, communication, and leadership skills, critical differentiators during a growth opportunity.

So, start the CFA journey and earn the gold standard in the finance industry, a certification that will set you apart.