
Fundamentals of Leadership

Course Start Date: 23rd July

Training Duration: 3 Days

Assessment Criteria:

  • Self-assessment
  • Role-plays
  • Case studies
  • Real-life application in the workplace


Learning Outcomes


Apply the fundamental skills needed to boost relationships and work well with others as a leader


Understand team development and practice the essential leadership skills of developing, supporting, and empowering others


Manage self, set personal goals for improvement and create action plans to support all stakeholders for enhanced productivity

Course Outlines

  • Making the switch from a manager to leader
  • Management vs Leadership
  • Characteristics of a Good Leader
  • The Leader’s Power
  • Leadership Styles
  • Adair’s Action-Centered Leadership
  • Goal Setting to Achieve High Performance
  • Defining your Strategy and Vision
  • Accountability: Getting Commitment to Achieve Results
  • Team Communication and Collaboration
  • Personal Development Planning